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Problems with our Website?

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Our website is constantly tested and upgraded by our developer team to make sure it is safe and easy to use. If it doesn't work for you it means we are losing customers - so we are keen to help solve any problem you might get if you want to call us.

Usually problems are local to the PC you are using.

Typical Problems..:

Update your browser.
Most problems can be solved by updating to the latest version of your web browser, Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Safari etc. You really should always update to the latest version of a browser regularly otherwise you will be vulnerable to viruses and malware.

Security Warning - "Parsed Array Keys".
This error usually means that JavaScript or Cookies have been disabled in your security settings. PCs used in a workplace often have JavaScript disabled. You will need to either enable JavaScript or Cookies or you call us on 02392 378700 and explain that you are ordering from work and we'll take your payment over the phone.

Solving Cache errors.
Sometimes your browser has problems loading a page because of corrupted or out of date information held in your web browser's 'cache'. Your can clear this out of date or corrupted information simply and safely without any impact on stored browsing history or auto-fill information. Below are instructions on how to do this for popular browsers, however the latest browser versions might have changed where clearing the cache can be done:

Chrome - Go to 'Menu' top right of browser > click on 'Tools' > tick 'Delete Cookies And Other Site And Plug In Data' select 'Clear Browsing Data'

Firefox - Got to 'Options' > 'Privacy' > make sure that you only have 'Cache' ticked and click 'Clear Now'.

Safari - Go to 'Develop' top left of menu bar > Click 'Empty Caches'

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